Quote about poverty and wealth by Mouloud Benzadi

“A wise man lives as a rich man even if he has no money in his hand,
A fool lives as a poor man even if he has got all the money in the world.”
By Mouloud Benzadi


Quote about poverty and wealth by Mouloud Benzadi.

“A wise man lives as a rich man with no money in his hand, 

A fool lives as a poor man with all the money in the world.” 

By Mouloud Benzadi 

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Quote about poverty and wealth by Mouloud Benzadi

Quote about poverty and wealth by Mouloud Benzadi.

“A wise man lives as a rich man even if he has no money in his hand, 

A fool lives as a poor man even if he has got all the money in the world.” 

By Mouloud Benzadi